Device Tips

✔ Ensure your phone is fully charged before going to a store. Bringing a power bank can be very useful.

✔ The better your smartphone camera is, the easier it is to keep the picture still. Having a really good camera can speed up the processing time by 3 times.

Avoidance Tips

✔ Capture the easier categories first (like laundry, home, shave, oral care, baby, feminine) until it feels like the store is okay or doesn’t care if you are there.

✔ Alternatively, start with whichever aisle is least crowded and no staff is around.

✔ Pay attention if it’s restock time and then try to coordinate categories with where they are not restocking.

✔ Try not to show off that you’re taking pictures.

Capturing Tips

✔ Walk down the aisle first and note where products start and stop.

✔ Hold the camera steady and level. Get the right angle and make sure your image is clear.

✔ Positioning is the key: Try to stand at a good distance from the shelf and maintain the same distance throughout the whole category.

✔ Pay attention to the stitching as you are taking photos and undo captures if it messes up.

✔ If an aisle is narrow, follow the "snake" movement suggested in the app (top-bottom-bottom-top) to get the best results.
snake movement top-bottom-bottom-top

Capturing Modes

✔ Most of our top Mystery Shoppers prefer the video mode for various reasons, but it really depends on the individual preferences and which mode they feel more comfortable with.


To ensure payment, you must submit your photos in both the client's app and the clickworker app. Submitting photos only in the client's app is not sufficient. We won't be able to pay you if the job isn't submitted in the clickworker app within the allotted time period as well.