
Why aren’t there any jobs available for me?
The workload changes regularly and depends on several general and individual factors.  1. You might not be qualified for the current projects because yo...
Mon, 13 Jun, 2022 at 9:50 AM
What does the link “Hide this job” mean?
With every new job, you can decide whether you want to hide or unhide it. This is an option if, for example, you know that you are not interested in the top...
Tue, 17 May, 2022 at 9:25 PM
How much time have I got to complete a task?
The amount of time you have to complete a task varies from project to project. The processing time always starts once you start the job. Some do have a time...
Tue, 17 May, 2022 at 9:50 PM
Do I have to process all of the jobs that are displayed?
No. You are completely free to decide which projects you would like to work on. Your job list only suggests a variety of jobs that fit your skills and chang...
Tue, 17 May, 2022 at 9:50 PM
Will I suffer negative consequences if I skip jobs?
Usually in a large project with many individual jobs, skipping jobs will not have any negative consequences for you as long as enough other jobs are availab...
Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 at 2:29 PM
What are “Jobs in Review”?
Clickworker reserves the right to check and if applicable, reject work results that have been submitted.  The reasons can range from results that do not me...
Tue, 17 May, 2022 at 9:51 PM
A job was cancelled and my fee was deducted. Why?
The accounting process is divided into several steps. When you submit a job your fee is immediately credited to your clickworker account. The job then us...
Tue, 17 May, 2022 at 9:56 PM
Why is my rating sinking?
The corrector gives you an evaluation for every job you submit. Your current rating is an average of the last 25 evaluations you received for the jobs you s...
Mon, 13 Jun, 2022 at 11:33 AM
Why do jobs “disappear”?
You might see that 100 jobs are available in the list of jobs. After you have worked for a while and return to the list of available jobs, you might not be ...
Thu, 17 Feb, 2022 at 9:15 AM
Quality assurance has excluded me from a project. Why?
In some projects, we sprinkle test questions into the task to determine the quality of your answers. If you give too many incorrect answers you will be auto...
Fri, 11 Jun, 2021 at 11:36 AM